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23rd Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the TWENTY-THIRD Annual General Meeting of the Sydney Shires Cricket Umpires Association will be held at Bankstown Sports Club - 8 Greenfield Parade, Bankstown on Wednesday 23 August 2022. The meeting starts at 7.00pm sharp.


• Attendance and Apologies , Welcome to members and guests

• Confirmation of the minutes of the 22nd AGM held on 23 August 2023

• Treasurers Report , Auditors Report

• Receipt and Adoption of the SSCUA 23rd Annual Report

• Guest Speakers

• Consideration of Honorariums for previous season, 2023-24

• Proposal to Amend the SSCUA Constitution (refer e-mail sent 15 June 2024)

• Election Of Office Bearers 2024-25
- Association President, Vice President , Honorary Secretary , Treasurer
- Executive Committee (Min of 3, Max of 5)

• Appointment of Honorary Auditor 2024-25

• Presentation of the George Richards Member Of The Year Award
• Presentation of the Peter Turner Shires Umpire Of The Year Award
• Presentation of the Shires Most Improved Umpire of the Year
• Presentation of the Rookie Umpire of the Year
• Presentation of the Umpire of the Year (Masters and Classics Competitions)
• Presentation of Achievement Certificate Awards

• General Business
• Drawing Of Raffle

Stephen Blomfield
Honorary Secretary


15 February 2024

The Association has a range of umpiring merchandise that members can order throughout the season.

To view what items are available and to place an order using your debit or credit card visit this Jot Form order page

Metro and Chappelow Cup - Umpire Appointments

16 September 2023

The Metropolitian Cup and the Chappelow Cup competitions are run by the Community Cricket department at Cricket NSW with the umpires for both of these competitions being appointed by Cricket NSW.

Metropolitan Cup is a mixture of two day and one day cricket formats played predominately on Saturdays.

Chappelow Cup is played exclusively as 40 over a side one day cricket with all fixtures played on Sundays.

Both competitions feature a number of Clubs that also compete in the Shires competition. Additionally umpires from the Sydney Shires Cricket Umpires Association are regularly appointed to Metropolitan Cup and/or Chappelow Cup.

Whilst umpires for these two competitions are not appointed by this Association, for ease of reference appointments do feature on this website.

Both competitions commence on the weekend of 30 September and 1 October 2023


Umpire Appointments for Round 1 to 12 of Metro Cup are now archived

Umpire Appointments for Round 1 to 17 of Chappelow Cup are now archived

Chappelow Cup Round 18 - Umpire Appointments (18 and 25/2/24) - Click Here
Round Completed

Metropolitan Cup Round 14 - Umpire Appointments (24/2/24 and 25/2/24) - Click Here
Round Completed

Chappelow Cup Round 19 - Umpire Appointments (3/3/24) - Click Here
Round Completed

Metropolitan Cup Round 15 - Umpire Appointments (2-3/3/24 and 9-10/3/24) - Click Here
Version 3 - Last Updated at 5pm on 1 March 2024

Chappelow Cup Finals Series - Umpire Appointments (10/3/24) - Click Here
Version 1 - Last Updated at 11am on 5 March 2024

Policy Documents For Shires Cricket

9 September 2023

Cricket NSW being the Governing Body for Sydney Shires Cricket has a range of different policy documents that umpires need to be aware of so that you can confidently and safely officiate matches within our competitions

The below links will provide a copy of each of these relevant policy documents

(1) Concussion Substitute Policy - Click Here

(2) Doubtful Bowling Action Policy - Click Here

(3) Extreme Heat Policy - Click Here

(4) Helmet Policy - Click Here

(5) Post Match Meeting Policy - Click Here

(6) Protection of Playing Area Policy - Click Here

Finals Series Appointments - Association History

Last Updated 9 September 2023

The attached document contains the appointments for all finals series matches played in the history of the Association from the year 2001 to the current season

Finals Series Umpiring Appointments from 2001 to Current - Click Here


Last Updated 9 September 2023 -

The SSCUA appoints umpires to five (5) different game formats. Umpires must lodge a match report after completing all appointments -

Here below are the links you use to report your match result

Also below is the link for members who umpire the Cricket NSW Youth Championships played on Sundays

  • Playing Conditions Season 2023-24 - Shires 1st to 5th Grades

    Welcome to our website

    Sydney Shires Cricket Umpires Association

    The Sydney Shires Cricket Umpires Association was formed prior to the start of the 2001/02 cricket season for the purpose of supplying neutral match officials to the Sydney Shires Cricket competition.

    Our cricket is played exclusively on turf wickets by 14 different clubs throughout the Sydney metropolitan area, from late September to the first week of April each summer season.

    Training for new members

    We welcome enquiries from new members and are happy to guide you through a training course and examination if you have never passed an accredited umpires examination and are thinking about taking up umpiring.

    Umpire training courses are run at regular intervals throughout the year. These courses are run by accredited trainers who aim to ensure your ability to pass the exam.

    Those who successfully pass these training courses receive accreditation to umpire cricket in the Sydney Shires Cricket Competitions. To express an interest in an upcoming training course please click on the "Contact Us" link on the main menu and then send us an email.

    Already an accredited umpire?

    We warmly welcome any accredited cricket umpires who might want to participate in our competition and will be more than happy to appoint you only to areas of Sydney that you are happy to officiate in.

    We hope you enjoy your visit to our website. If you have any feedback or questions, or wish to join our Association, please click on the "Contact Us" link on the main menu and send us an email.

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